KSN Booth at MEDIX — Medical Device Development Expo in Tokyo

Our Hardware Startups special space at MEDIX — Medical Device Development Expo, together with KSN — Kyoto Shisaku Net, Kyoto Prototyping Network: a demo boot area, showing our IoT devices. (including healthcare)

All products were designed by クロスエフェクト crossEffect,Inc during Summer 2015 Batch Program.

Slack for iOS Upload-2

Up Performa’s Eagle Eye

Slack for iOS Upload-4

おなかのげんじつ(waiston chobit healthcare)SmartBelt

Slack for iOS Upload-5

Hacarus SmartScale.

Slack for iOS Upload-3

Coban Inc.’s nocoly E-reader.

Check more details about the event.


Kyoto Research Park – 93 Chudoji Awata-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 600-8815


2910 Thomson Avenue, NYDesigns C760, Suite #19, Long Island City, NY 11101